I've been probing the internet for informative/insightful video interviews of authors, agents, editors. I came across this interesting interview with Marcela Landres, Acquition Editor. Marcela Landres is the author of "How Editors Think: The Real Reason They Rejected You". I'm adding it to my list of must reads after listening to this video. I would have added the video to this page but I wasn't able to. Here's the url to the video below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3p3dy6TEDg There were several important points in this interview including the need for more Latino Acquistion Editors, and the need for talented writers to really hone their craft, and lastly: Buy the Books! Don't share them! Authors don't get paid for readers, they get paid for writers. Links: http://www.marcelalandres.com Recommendations: The Columbia Publishing Course BookJobs.com
Insights Lessons Learned, Adventures, Misadventures, Advice I Would Give My Sisters, Open Discussions, And Ah Moments