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Showing posts with the label Dolly's House

Remembering Alaska

In August my family and I took an unforgettable cruise to Alaska.  I took from that vacation several ideas for travel articles and have since written about my adventures in articles such as  How to Avoid Overspending While on a Cruise . One of the most memorable things we did was zipline in Skagway, Alaska. I wrote a travel article about it on AC,  Ziplining in Skagway, Alaska . I had been wanting to zipline with my husband and sons for some time and I'm glad we finally got a chance to do it.   The guides were young men from Oregon who took the  Alaskan Marine Highway System  to spend an adventuresome summer in Alaska. One guide called Smiley seemed to have a smile that emanated from his bones. He looked so blissed out, it was hard to image he'd ever had a parking ticket, or gone through any sort of trauma, or disappointment in life. I expected to find that sort of happiness from a  Buddhist  Monk not some 18 year old. I made a mental note to encourage my boys to spend the