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Showing posts from November, 2013

Marcela Landres - Why We Need More Latino Acquisition Editors

I've been probing the internet for informative/insightful video interviews of authors, agents, editors. I came across this interesting interview with Marcela Landres, Acquition Editor. Marcela Landres is the author of "How Editors Think: The Real Reason They Rejected You". I'm adding it to my list of must reads after listening to this video. I would have added the video to this page but I wasn't able to. Here's the url to the video below. There were several important points in this interview including the need for more Latino Acquistion Editors, and the need for talented writers to really hone their craft, and lastly: Buy the Books! Don't share them! Authors don't get paid for readers, they get paid for writers. Links: Recommendations:  The Columbia Publishing Course

Comadres and Compadres Latino Writers Conference 2013

I missed this year's Comadres and Compadres Latino Writers Conference! It slipped off my radar completely. I'm normally very good about such things. And even better, now that I have come to know and be embraced by a community of writers, they are usually the ones to give me a heads up about upcoming events and submissions. I'll be there next year for sure.  Were you able to attend? The goal of the Comadres and Compadres Latino Writers Conference is to connect Latino writers to the agents and editors who are looking to publish them. The conference centers on three themes: access, guidance, community. Access to publishing insiders who make decisions of who and what gets published and who are desperately seeking Latino writers. Guidance on how to navigate their writing careers from idea, inception to publication. And to foster a Community of like minded writers. Hope to build a nation wide community of authors that will hopefully support each other on their way...